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Java Download

2024-05-16 00:25| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Java SE is the build of OpenJDK provided by Oracle. Using it requires buying the license.OpenJDK is the free version of JDK created by the community. You can use it however you want, but getting the support or fixing something that does not work could be a tedious process that requires many work hours of your engineers.Liberica JDK is also free to use but is developed by BellSoft — the trusted vendor. It is tested with the TCK (Technology Compatibility Kit) to make sure it meets the demand of Java™ developers. BellSoft provides support that helps you deal with issues on the runtime side of things. And last but not least, we offer prolonged support for Java™ versions going out of date, making the migration easier and keeping your data safe.






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